Sunday 8 May 2011


Here is my final teaser trailer:

The actors that feature in my teaser trailer are:
Craig Smith who plays Daniel Brown
Zac Haines who plays one of the gang members

When it came to editing my final piece I had about 20 different shots lasting approximately 2 minutes that I had to narrow down to between 30-60 seconds along with title sequences and a production company. I am very pleased with my final teaser trailer and after putting in a lot of effort to achieve my final product I believe that I have made an effective final piece.

I started my teaser trailer off with the MPAA logo, teaser trailers a usually released first in the united states and as such the MPAA (motion picture association of America) would be the ones to approve a teaser trailer. This is then followed by the production company that I think would be most likely to want to produce my thriller film. I went onto YouTube and searched for the Paramount ident and cropped it down making it fit into my teaser, this is also where I first introduced my sound. I designed it so that the first beat of the music came in when the paramount title came into the picture so that the picture responded to the sound, as well as making the end of the ident fade out as the second beat came in. I then straight away introduced one of the gang members, we can tell he is a dodgy character by the way he walks and by him throwing up his hood, this helps to portray him as a thug.
The next shot I think works extremely well, again it introduces another character straight away and shows us that he is a problem for the first character with the drawing of a tire iron, I edited this so that the beat of the music again mates the timing of him drawing his weapon, making the music have a dramatic effect on what we see, it makes the audience expect to see something every time a dramatic beat happens in the soundtrack raising tension and making them focus more on what they see. I use a flash special effect to show a flicker of adrenaline, hinting to the audience that he has done this before and that he gets a rush from the attack, this is shown throughout this scene with the cuts to speed the attack scene up and the flash as the thug is struck, the beat of the music again comes in here as he is struck to add dramatic effect to the scene. A title screen then comes up to give the audience an enigma code 'how far would you go?', this hints to the audience that there is purpose to what he is doing and makes the audience question as to what that purpose is. There is then a flash fade back into the car driving away, this gives the audience a hint that he has kidnapped the thug and stolen his car, this tells the audience that he is not afraid to break the law to get what he wants, this tells the audience that he is an anti-hero which makes fans of anti-hero films such as Taken and Batman more likely to want to watch this movie. The car drives off into the distance and fades out making the audience question where they are going. There is then a fade in to a title sequence where the audience is given a hint as to what the answer is to the last title sequence was 'when you are their only hope' it gives the audience the hint that the anti-hero knocked the man out because someones life is dependant on him, making the crimes he has committed more socially acceptable. It stops the audience from building up a negative relationship with him and shows them who they should like and who they shouldn't. The camera then fades back in where we see that the thug has been tied to a chair, the fade in helps to show the audience that he is coming too and reinforces the clue the audience had about him being kidnapped from the previous scene. White flashes and quick cuts are used together to show that he is coming around, the anti-hero can be seen with an over the shoulder shot looking at him, this keeps him a mystery as we can only see the back of his head, making the audience want to find out more about him meaning that are likely to look up the film to find out who is playing him and helps to raise awareness of the actual film. The man finally comes round, he looks at the anti-hero in terror and says 'who are you' telling the audience that the men do not know each other. There is then a cut to the title of the film telling the audience the name of the production that by not they should want to know, the anti-hero then replies saying 'tell me everything you know', this tells the audience that he knows something that is key to saving the person he's trying to save as well as giving them a small hint as to who the actor is meaning that fans of this actor are likely to want to watch this movie. 'Coming October 2011' then comes up underneath this title to tell the audience when to expect the film to come out, this particular month has been set as October is usually associated with Halloween and therefore October is a good month to release a thriller film.

I think my teaser trailer does a very good job of grabbing my target audiences attention from the beginning. It introduces the main character without showing his face making the audience want to know who he is as well as why he kidnapped the thug. My teaser usues a number of typical teaser trailer conventions to make it work effectively such as the pace of the music matching the pace of editing, the enigma codes such as the title screens and him knocking out the thug making the audience question what they see as well as the fact that the teaser trailer gives them small clues as to what the sotry is about but does not give away any significant plot lines.

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