Sunday 8 May 2011

Props and Equipment

When it comes to filming my production I must hook my audience from the beginning, for a teaser trailer this is a must as they do not last very long. Using props are a very effective way of grabbing your audiences attention and making them interested in your teaser trailer. When it comes to making my own teaser trailer I want to make sure that my end product looks as professionally made as possible to make it look like an actual teaser trailer, I will therefore use all the equipment I have available to me to help add to the overall quality of my end product.


I used a tire iron as a weapon that the main character knocked out the thug with, this scene was used to throw the audience straight into the action and I felt that to grab my audiences attention effectively that I had to put emphasys on the use of a weapon, I therefore used a close up of the tire iron to grab my audiences attention.

I used my car to show that the main character is willing to kidnap the thug and steal his car as a taste of the crimes he is willing to commit to get his son back. Adding to my target audiences interest in my teaser trailer.

Other props were more subtle in the choice of clothing I had the men in my teaser trailer wear, Zac was dressed to make him look like a thug and Craig had his leather hooded jacket on to mask his identity, I also had to wear this when it came to driving away in my car.


When it came to filming my work the most basic but most important piece of equipment I had at my disposal was a Panasonic SDR-S50 digital camera provided by my school, it was the newest camera that I had at my disposable, however is not high definition as I would have preffered to film with a HD camera to make sure that I ended up with a higher quality finished product. And from previous use in my AS coursework I have found out that it is very light sensitive and becomes very blurred if it pans too quickly or if something moves on screen too quickly, which is very frustrating to find out when you get to editing the final product.

Too keep some of my shots as steady as possible I used a tripod, this helped to add to the quality of footage as hand held cameras can make a teaser trailer look unprofessional.

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