Sunday 8 May 2011

Evaluation of my teaser trailer

I believe that my teaser trailer uses a range of different teaser trailer conventions to make it effective and look real, I made sure to keep the same font of the title screen 'Vengance' so that it effectively linked in with my ancillary texts. The MPAA title I used are used in most teaser trailers, as films generally come out in the US first I thought it would be appropriate to use an approval screen from the MPAA rather than the BBFC as it helps to make my teaser look realistic.

I made the man that got attacked look like a thug in the way he dressed and walked to hint at the audience that he is not just an innocent man being attacked for no reason, if he just looked like an innocent bystander then it may of made me audience develop a negative prejudgement about him which I don't want. I wanted the audience to think about what was going on in this clip, to make them wonder who both men are and why Craig is attacking the thug.

I used the crucial typical convention of character conflict to make my teaser work effectively, the attack scene was part of the conflict, but only a sneak peak of it as the audience can tell that he was effectively provoked into this attack for reasons that they don't know, using an enigma code like this is very effective as it makes the audience ask questions like why is he attacking him. The titles I used effectively act as a catalyst to propel this question in the audiences mind, by saying 'how far would you go' and 'when you are their only hope' it tells the audience that he is not just some nut job that likes going round kidnapping people, that there is reason behind his attacks. It also helps to make the audience empathise with him by proposing those questions, it makes the character look like he is just an every day person like anyone from my audience that has just had something terrible happened to them to which the question proposes to my audience that maybe they would do the same thing given his situation. This effectively establishes the characters in my film to my target audience. This effectively introduced both the protagonist and one of the antagonists without even showing the protagonists face which is exactly what I wanted to do. Not knowing who the main character is a very effective method to use as it makes the target audience want to find out, I do give subtle clues as to who he is by showing the back of his head (not a very good clue i know) and by letting the audience hear his voice with the use of a voice over over the title screen. This makes my target audience more active as after watching my teaser they are likely to want to find out more about the film to find out who they mystery actor is, creating some sort of hysteria about the film.

A thriller film would not be such without thrills, so I had to make sure that my audience got thrills out of watching my teaser trailer, otherwise it makes my entire product redundant. I made my teaser thrilling to watch by making the most out of all of my target audiences senses, making the pace of editing flow with the change in flow of the beat of the music, I believe this made my audience pay more attention to my final piece as it made it more aesthetically pleasing to watch. I used flash effects during the attack scene where white flashes came up to represent flashes of adrenaline that the attacker was having, I thought that this worked very well at adding emotion to my piece that my audience could then relate too and feed off his emotional pain, it shows the audience that he is emotional about this attack almost as if it needs to happen for him to overcome an obstacle.

I made sure not to reveal too much about the storyline of this film through my teaser trailer, I gave subtle clues to it with the use of the 2 titles 'how far would you go' and 'when you are their only hope' to explain the attack scenes, that there is someone that needs to be saved and interrogating this thug is key to getting necessary information to find them. Although I do not directly tell my audience about what is going to happen in the story looking back at my consumer feedback I can see that it pointed my target audience in the right direction. The majority of people could see that someones life needed saving and that this man had one of the pieces of that puzzle. Making my audience on some level forgive him for committing a necessary evil so to speak, even though he commits at least 3 crimes here of assault with a deadly weapon, kidnapping and grand theft auto the audience still see him as the good guy through the use of these title sequences, I was slightly sceptical as to weather this technique would work at first but it made sense in my head so I decided to go with it and am glad that I did as it payed off.

Sound is used effectively throughout my teaser trailer to set the mis-en-scene, the sound starts out slow and has bursts of bass, I made sure to use this soundtrack to my advantage by making the pace of editing change with this music, for example when Craig draws the tire iron the beat of my music comes in to emphasise this, adding tension to the attack scene. The teaser starts out silent which is typical for a teaser trailer when the MPAA approval title comes in, the sound then starts as the paramount ident comes in and we hear the first beat of the bass in my soundtrack, this combination of sound and editing makes  my teaser more aesthetically pleasing and makes my target audience focus more on my trailer, it also helps the teaser flow much smoother and adds to the professional quality looking finish I have been hoping for. I continued this editing technique, making the bassy beats match up with key action codes such as when Craig draws his tire iron making my audience again focus on this and again when he hits the thug.

The date of release I chose for my teaser trailer would be typical for a thriller film, since October is usually associated with Halloween, the time of year when most people are seeking thrills this would be the perfect time to release a film such as my one as it would cater to not only action thriller film fans but also horror fans to an extent as they are far more active at the cinema during October. Teaser trailers are released around a year before the production comes out so if it were to have been released at the start of my A2 year then this would be perfect timing as it would run for a year. I used another typical editing technique in revealing my release date where the title of the film comes up first then the date comes up afterwards, making the audience first read the title of the film then read the date after.

Overall I believe I have made a very effective end teaser trailer that uses a variety of real media conventions to give it a quality looking finish and I am happy with the end result.

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